Acne: the cycle from hell

As I was walking through IKEA today with my dad and his girlfriend looking for presents, I passed by a mirror and noticed that the pretty benign acne that i had dealt with this morning had went fucking crazy. I. HATE. ACNE. Stress causes acne, and basically, nowadays everything gives you stress. So this stress acne pops up, and then you get even more stressed because this acne pops up. It is a revolving cycle from hell and I’m fed up with it.

I’m 19 years old and I eat super healthily, but still this shitty acne still pops up unwarranted, and it seems like everyone else at school has no acne, eats shitty food and still looks great. I probably sound like a selfish child right now because honestly, there could be a lot more wrong with me and if teenage acne is one of my only problems then I should consider myself lucky. However, acne still blows and it sucks to try very hard to help something and it does nothing at all.

Anyhow, I got home and I went to town on my face with what I call the “implement of death,” which is a small metal instrument SPECIFICALLY designed for the murdering of nuisance acne. Now i’m sitting in my room, post operation….and I FEEL GREAT:D

Comment back with whatever you like! especially if you have similar problems:0 ADIOS MUCHACHOS
